Additional information
Edition | Desktop, Enterprise Edition |
RDPlus perpetual license price does not include Updates & Support.
To keep your RDPlus installation up-to-date and protected, it is highly recommended to maintain an active Support and Updates subscription.
During the subscription period you will recieve the following benefits:
RDPlus has been in active development for over a decade, we are constantly developing new features and making optimizations to the platform.
Although RDPlus is a highly stable and reliable product sometimes external factors out of our control such as Windows updates can create issues with RDPlus. We stay ontop of these issues aswell as we can, if there is an incompatibility with a new Windows update, a patched update of RDPlus will promptly be released that addresses the issue. If you do not hold an active RDPlus subscription you are not entitled to recieve these updates and could face downtime in a live environment.
*Please note, free phone support is only for assistance with RDPlus issues. If you require one of our technicians to setup your RDPlus server or make configuration changes, we charge a fixed rate of $109 per hour + GST, billed in 15min increments.
Edition | Desktop, Enterprise Edition |
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