
On the Web logon page, when the user clicks on the “Log on” button, the HTML5 client is opened in a new browser’s tab.

You can change this behavior and have the HTML5 client to open in the same browser tab as the Web logon page by modifying a JavaScript file.

Modifying the custom.js file

Edit the file “custom.js” file which is stored into the “C:\Program Files (x86)\RDPlus\Clients\www” folder. We advise you to use a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ (do not use Word).

Add this line:

var openinsamewindow = true;

We recommend you clear your browser’s cache after saving the changed JavaScript file.

Modifying the common_applications.js file

If you are using RDPlus Web Applications Portal feature, then you need to edit a second file. Edit the file “common_applications.js” file which is stored into the “C:\Program Files (x86)\RDPlus\Clients\www\software” folder. We advise you to use a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ (do *not* use Word).

Search for these lines:

if (childurl != '') {
    child = window.open(childurl, childname);
    childrenWindows[childrenWindows.length] = child;

And replace them by those lines:

if (childurl != '') {
    window.name = childname;
    location.href = childurl + '#';

We recommend you clear your browser’s cache after saving the changed JavaScript file.